How are we coping up as a team in the remote?

Smiling faces, dreaming of getting up late in the morning, not having to dress up, run after the auto rickshaws or the ever canceling cab pick ups...rather taking meetings in pajamas, having the entire evening binge watching our favourite show while the entire world is hustling in the ever cluttered traffic...

How are we coping up as a team in the remote?

“Remote Working”

Smiling faces, dreaming of getting up late in the morning, not having to dress up, run after the auto rickshaws or the ever canceling cab pick ups...rather taking meetings in pajamas, having the entire evening binge watching our favourite show while the entire world is hustling in the ever cluttered traffic...Ahh such a pleasure!!

The entire day’s scene came like a flash, the moment we saw the email from the HR department asking all employees to work from home till further notice.

However, the pandemic had its own way of smiling back at us though.

What we didn't see was what was coming along with it!

It all started with a high.

As most things do!

But then came the trenches

And we treaded slow. 

With a crazy bunch of creative geeks, we set upon our own whole new world of remote working.


Our silent mornings suddenly turned into daily standups and task allocations.

Afternoon brainstorming sessions converted to zoom calls & jam boards without seeing each other’s excited as well as grinning faces.

Post lunch background music sessions turned into silent email exchanges.

Bidding goodbyes for the day turned into evening standups.


It seemed our energies got trapped somewhere and were shouting out loudly to come out…


With multiple ifs and buts and maybes, we started off with our own way of putting things in place.


Monthly team lunch 

Monthly team lunches turned out to be a real stress buster, with conversations around books, latest movies, travel and of course food.

Pity the ones who got married in these months since we are not the sort who will step back from pulling their legs and heartily enjoy seeing them blushing.

The craze of online Skribbl took us by a storm and we got obsessed with it. Of course, it was easier for the designers, but the rest of us drew dogs while depicting lions, so yeah, that was a good laugh. And a commendable team bonding activity. 

One thing I missed the most during the pandemic, was dressing up and celebrating festivals. And intentionally doing so for the virtual celebrations gave a warm feeling. At last, what are we without our fellow human beings? 

Quick catchup and asking “are you okay?”

These 3 words have an immense power to make or break a person, especially during the pandemic. Making sure we do this intentionally or unintentionally became a norm for us.

With more than a year and half of working remotely and getting used to our lazy mornings, it's going to be an interesting shift and mixed feeling to get back to the hustle.

Are you feeling the same as I am?

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Pallabi Roy

Pallabi is a senior delivery manager at sharpsell.

How are we coping up as a team in the remote?

How are we coping up as a team in the remote?

Smiling faces, dreaming of getting up late in the morning, not having to dress up, run after the auto rickshaws or the ever canceling cab pick ups...rather taking meetings in pajamas, having the entire evening binge watching our favourite show while the entire world is hustling in the ever cluttered traffic...
Pallabi Roy
December 28, 2021

“Remote Working”

Smiling faces, dreaming of getting up late in the morning, not having to dress up, run after the auto rickshaws or the ever canceling cab pick ups...rather taking meetings in pajamas, having the entire evening binge watching our favourite show while the entire world is hustling in the ever cluttered traffic...Ahh such a pleasure!!

The entire day’s scene came like a flash, the moment we saw the email from the HR department asking all employees to work from home till further notice.

However, the pandemic had its own way of smiling back at us though.

What we didn't see was what was coming along with it!

It all started with a high.

As most things do!

But then came the trenches

And we treaded slow. 

With a crazy bunch of creative geeks, we set upon our own whole new world of remote working.


Our silent mornings suddenly turned into daily standups and task allocations.

Afternoon brainstorming sessions converted to zoom calls & jam boards without seeing each other’s excited as well as grinning faces.

Post lunch background music sessions turned into silent email exchanges.

Bidding goodbyes for the day turned into evening standups.


It seemed our energies got trapped somewhere and were shouting out loudly to come out…


With multiple ifs and buts and maybes, we started off with our own way of putting things in place.


Monthly team lunch 

Monthly team lunches turned out to be a real stress buster, with conversations around books, latest movies, travel and of course food.

Pity the ones who got married in these months since we are not the sort who will step back from pulling their legs and heartily enjoy seeing them blushing.

The craze of online Skribbl took us by a storm and we got obsessed with it. Of course, it was easier for the designers, but the rest of us drew dogs while depicting lions, so yeah, that was a good laugh. And a commendable team bonding activity. 

One thing I missed the most during the pandemic, was dressing up and celebrating festivals. And intentionally doing so for the virtual celebrations gave a warm feeling. At last, what are we without our fellow human beings? 

Quick catchup and asking “are you okay?”

These 3 words have an immense power to make or break a person, especially during the pandemic. Making sure we do this intentionally or unintentionally became a norm for us.

With more than a year and half of working remotely and getting used to our lazy mornings, it's going to be an interesting shift and mixed feeling to get back to the hustle.

Are you feeling the same as I am?

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How are we coping up as a team in the remote?

September 11, 2024
3 minutes
Pallabi Roy
Pallabi Roy
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“Remote Working”

Smiling faces, dreaming of getting up late in the morning, not having to dress up, run after the auto rickshaws or the ever canceling cab pick ups...rather taking meetings in pajamas, having the entire evening binge watching our favourite show while the entire world is hustling in the ever cluttered traffic...Ahh such a pleasure!!

The entire day’s scene came like a flash, the moment we saw the email from the HR department asking all employees to work from home till further notice.

However, the pandemic had its own way of smiling back at us though.

What we didn't see was what was coming along with it!

It all started with a high.

As most things do!

But then came the trenches

And we treaded slow. 

With a crazy bunch of creative geeks, we set upon our own whole new world of remote working.


Our silent mornings suddenly turned into daily standups and task allocations.

Afternoon brainstorming sessions converted to zoom calls & jam boards without seeing each other’s excited as well as grinning faces.

Post lunch background music sessions turned into silent email exchanges.

Bidding goodbyes for the day turned into evening standups.


It seemed our energies got trapped somewhere and were shouting out loudly to come out…


With multiple ifs and buts and maybes, we started off with our own way of putting things in place.


Monthly team lunch 

Monthly team lunches turned out to be a real stress buster, with conversations around books, latest movies, travel and of course food.

Pity the ones who got married in these months since we are not the sort who will step back from pulling their legs and heartily enjoy seeing them blushing.

The craze of online Skribbl took us by a storm and we got obsessed with it. Of course, it was easier for the designers, but the rest of us drew dogs while depicting lions, so yeah, that was a good laugh. And a commendable team bonding activity. 

One thing I missed the most during the pandemic, was dressing up and celebrating festivals. And intentionally doing so for the virtual celebrations gave a warm feeling. At last, what are we without our fellow human beings? 

Quick catchup and asking “are you okay?”

These 3 words have an immense power to make or break a person, especially during the pandemic. Making sure we do this intentionally or unintentionally became a norm for us.

With more than a year and half of working remotely and getting used to our lazy mornings, it's going to be an interesting shift and mixed feeling to get back to the hustle.

Are you feeling the same as I am?

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